World peace yagnams

Yagam (Yagnam) means sacrifice. Any act performed for the benefit of society, without any expectation of personal gains is Yagnam. Our Scriptures proclaim “Yagno Vai Vishnuhu”- service to the society is service to God. In Srimad Bhagavat Geetha, Lord Krishna says Yagna produces clouds, from clouds rains and from rains grains. The grains sustain life. Thus Yagna is the life sustaining force. Rain makes the food grains sprout. Food sustains all life”. Because of Karma, man has taken the body and performing selfless action (Yagnam) is his duty. “Agni mukho vai Devaah”- Through Agni we send our offerings and prayers to Gods. In return Gods fulfill our wishes. Thus Yagnam establishes mutually beneficial relationship between man and God. As a religious ritual Yagna engages all your Trikaranas: Mind (Dhyanam), Speech (Chanting of Mantra), Body (offering of Havis). Fire being the messenger to God, will deliver your prayers to the Deity

Scientifically speaking, Cow ghee offered in the Yagna produces enormous amounts of Oxygen. The fire oxidizes all the negative gases like CO and CO2 there by eradicating the atmospheric pollution. The High Temperatures (600 to 1200 degrees Centigrade) in the Homakund release various medicinal compounds in their elemental form from different kinds of Samithas (Woods), Herbs and Grains offered into the fire. Inhalation of these vapors are beneficial to the health. The sound ways from chanting the Veda mantras not only cleanse the atmosphere and also help calm the mind. Profuse sweating also eliminates impurities from the body. It’s been proved by double blind studies that performing Homa calms the mind and reduces blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar.

Today’s world is afflicted with financial turmoil, social strife, wars, terrorism, disease epidemics, and various natural calamities. In these circumstances, our great Sages recommended yagnas to seek divine grace to alleviate these problems.

free to travel through the world for any ritual event

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Mon-Fri : 09:00 am – 08:00 pm

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